What’s New in 2022?

That was a long winter. Hope yours was enjoyable. The calendar says April, but the weather says early March. A soggy, and colder-than-normal spring, so far. Though that hasn’t crimped any of the new-season planning activities. Most of our activities were hidden from view, inside the walls of our home and barn. Much like staring at the ground and seeing nothing happening..when all the action is taking place below ground, hidden from view. And then, the weather warms, the sun comes up and WHAM!! Plans start to take root, literally and figuratively.

As far as literally? All over the place, indoors, seeds have been planted, and have taken root. Now, they are sprouts yearning to be planted.

And figuratively…take a look at what sprang up in the front yard!

We are looking forward to an other colorful year of blessed business, and new friendships. Our first full year for Kay’ Boukays, and a handsome sign to mark the occasion. Should be easier to find us now!